Thursday, June 3, 2021

#Throwback to 20-years-ago of working.

In the midst of all this gloom and bad news, I stumbled upon a little something that made me smile. Just realised that it's been 20 years to the month I first started working. I came to JWT (Then Hindustan Thompson Associates, now Wunderman Thompson) as a one-month summer intern from the Indian Institute of Mass Communication, and stayed on for 11 years. I also came across my first-ever performance review, which meant everything in the world to me then, as it does now. Happy to further report that in the interim, my salary has gone up somewhat. What however hasn't changed, is my love for ideas and that little butterfly in the stomach when I get a new brief - that shiver of delightful terror of the blank page. Thank you to all those who took a punt on me and continue to show the faith, none more than Juhi Kalia, who was not only my first boss, but the one who persisted with her mistake and picked me as her first-hire, here at Facebook.

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