it often starts tentatively
fearfully even
at first, a small step
a foot crossing a line
a tiny candle in a gathering
a shout in a chorus
a little fist in a crowd
an arm not raised in salute
a question asked of an emperor
but then soon
this little defiance
this rebellion too insignificant to be quelled
feeds itself
feeds itself with itself
growing not diminishing with each chew
a chomp of courage
a mouthful of mettle
a feast of guts, if you will
all going down audaciously
without a fight, even
till what was once a whisper
finds it voice
and when it speaks it doesn’t
it roars
a bit of it, bit by bit
becomes habit
(like the adage goes)
but bravery goes beyond clichés
till habit becomes instinct
instinct becomes purpose
and if there’s a lesson to bravery
it is this
bravery cannot be unlearnt
(like learning a bully’s stick hurts only so much
and no more)
and that once you’re truly, really, fully brave
you’ll be brave forever
the Gods know this
verily, it is not that they are silent
they are merely holding their breath
watching rapt
to see you take that first, small step
go cross that line.
ram cobain
(Image courtesy Getty)
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